19th September - 26th October
the art of personal practice®
Everything you need to begin, develop and deepen an authentic personal Hatha Vinyasa yoga practice, your path to radiant health, an open heart, stable emotions and a still clear mind.
Course begins 19th September 2023!
19th September – 26th October
Tuesdays and Thursdays 17:00 – 18:10
29.500 kr.
Learn – Practice – Empower – Results
Your yoga practice should be viewed as a process not simply a destination. Thats why there´s great value in learning the why´s and how’s of your own personal practice.
Self-development and transformation is so much easier and quicker when we have the roadmaps and signposts to guide us. Self-awareness and correct use of practical techniques adapted to your own body and mind will naturally guide you towards harmony on all levels; physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual.

This experiential course will be mainly practice sessions interspersed with relevant teachings where there’ll be time for questions and answers and personal feedback, aswell as practices and techniques for you to develop at home.
We´ll be going through the core principles that underlie all yoga practices, in body, breath, and mind, and what to avoid or what could be harmful in the long term. You’ll gain knowledge and practice skills of your postures from an inside-out approach and explore breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques.
You’ll be given the blueprint and secret “Rhythm” of your practice which can evolve and be adapted depending on your life’s rhythms and personal challenges.
You’ll be guided towards understanding how to achieve and maintain optimal health, emotional stability and mental clarity through self analysis tests and core ancient yogic teachings which serve to enhance all the effects of an intelligent practice.
You’ll get techniques and practical applications of working with certain issues in the body aswell as dealing with stress, anxiety, sleep issues and depression.

Be confident to begin a personal home yoga practice
Understand how to adapt postures to suit your body or life circumstances
Understand how to individualise your practice even if you´re following a teacher in a group class
Gain practical skills for gaining optimal health and a strong, flexible and light body.
Have the tools to manage your daily energy
Discover the fundamental foundations for success in meditation and gaining higher states of awareness and joyful living.
This course is for anyone, beginner to advanced, who´s interested in learning yoga for themselves, or wish to deepen and enrich their understanding of how to personalise their practice in a group situation, in order to experience the transformative power of yoga.

Gummi and Talya are the founders of Art of yoga with over 45 years of combined experience in yoga and have specialised in the Individualised approach since 2008. They have privately mentored and taught hundreds of students from all walks of life with different ages, capacities and goals and are dedicated to making yogic wisdom and practice, accessible, relevant and transformative for all. They are both authorised to teach in the classical Living yoga tradition of the great yogi, healer and scholar T. Krishnamacharya, (often called “the grandfather of modern yoga”)
umsögn nemenda
“Ég fór á námskeið hjá Gumma og Talya eftir að hafa verið á dagsnámsheiði í Art of Yoga hjá Paul Harvey. Í hans kennslu var eitthvað sem ég fann að ég þyrfti að kanna betur. Gummi og Talya eru einstakir kennarar miklir reynsluboltar og viskubrunnar. Þeirra nalgun í kennslunni er djúp og umbreytandi og hefur gefið mér aukinn skilning á sjálfri mér og tilverunni. Timarnir eru skipulegir, fræðandi og notalegt og hlýtt andrúmsloft einkennir Art of Yoga, Gumma og Talyu.”
“Mjög persónulegt og gott námskeið með æðislegum kennurum.”
“Einstök upplifun. Hef prufað allskonar jóga en þetta er einstakt”
Teitur Magnússon