

200 hours

Krishnamacharya og Desikachar

250HR Yoga Teacher Training 

In the classical tradition of Krishnamacharya


Welcome to our world class yoga teacher training  which has been transforming lives since 1989

Develop more ability, more clarity, direction and  confidence, evolutionise your own practice and become a highly skilled and creative group class teacher.

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The Art of Yoga 200 hour teacher training is an exploration into the authentic classical yoga teachings of the legendary yogi Krishnamacharya made accessible and relevant for modern day practitioners. During the course a strong emphasis will be placed on your own personal evolution, the vinyasa krama system and holistic practices of prāāyāma, chanting, meditation, teaching methodology, observation and yoga philosophy.. 

Aspiring students will have a unique opportunity to gain access to these powerful teachings from an authentic Living tradition in a closely mentored programme, where you will receive unparalleled support and expert guidance with your personal practice and teaching. 

Unique Features Of This Course

Become part of a Living Tradition

Receive transmission of teachings which have been handed down from an unbroken lineage of masters throughout the millenia and transformed countless lives.

Understand deeply the vinyasa krama system

Learn the ancient system of reaching one’s goals whether they are physical, energetic, emotional or spiritual.

The Science of sequencing

Learn the art of sequencing and become a creative group class teacher regardless of who is infront of you.

Integrated holistic practices

Learn how to teach a diversity of new skills, not simply asana, (as we draw from) the rich and varied practices that Krishnamacharya taught his students to make changes in their lives and perceptions.

Supervised teaching and Mentorship

Become a teacher of depth and knowledge when you gain a complete understanding of the fundamental principles an

Discover Yogic Psychology and Philosophy

Become a teacher of depth and knowledge when you gain a complete understanding of the fundamental principles an

The Path of Becoming a Skillfull Yoga Teacher

As with any discipline and art the most important aspect is that the student reaches a certain level of knowledge and proficiency with their own personal practice before attempting to teach to others. Ancient protocols have been set in place not just to protect your future students, but to protect you yourself should you continue on the teaching path. Traditional schools are very clear about this as was Krishnamacharya  and our teachers.“

In alignment with the ancient traditions in order to become a competent teacher we need to first learn and experience the teachings in our own lives.
As with any discipline and art the most important aspect is that you
reach a certain level of knowledge and proficiency with  your personal practice before  teaching others. Ancient protocols have been set in place not just to protect your future students, but to protect you yourself should you wish to continue on the teaching path.
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It attracts students from around the world and produces empowered, qualified yoga teachers.


The month-long residential Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training covers yoga philosophy, history of yoga, Sanskrit, anatomy, hands-on assisting, practice teaching sessions, study groups, mentor guidance, quizzes, exams, and all aspects of Jivamukti Yoga.

The course is full and offers the fundamental tools needed to not only understand and immerse yourself in the yoga practices but also to develop the skills to be able to pass these teachings on in a creative way.

Am I Ready?

This unique 250 hour yoga teacher training course gives you:
  • Qualification for becoming a registered 200-hour yoga teacher with dual recognition from Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Association of Iceland.
  • The skills, knowledge and confidence to go out and teach integrated yoga practices to any group in front you. 
  • The foundations for further studies in Yoga for specialised one to one teaching.
  • The opportunity for apprenticeship training. 
  • Ongoing teaching guidance and study support from either Talya or Gummi – experienced accredited teachers in the Krishnamacharya lineage. 
  • Ongoing one to one personal practice development with experienced mentor – teacher.
  • Experiencing profound changes in both mental and physical well-being through the empowering effects of a personalized, consistent practice.

If you are :

  • Passionate or curious about your yoga practice and inspired to learn more?

  • Eager to understand the deeper layers of yoga, and not simply postures or group work generic teaching?

  • Feeling the calling to move forward in your personal development to explore your full potential?

  • Are curious and unsure about where to do a full teacher training and wish to see if our teaching resonates with you before committing further. 

Then the Advanced Yoga Immersion is for you!

The 10 hr Advanced Yoga Immersion is an inspiring and intensive experiential experience  that will help you understand the hidden layers of an authentic yoga practice. It will give you the fundamental principles and foundations to a sustainable “evergreen” practice and for further training in yoga teaching or one to one work.

If you decide to continue and complete the full Teacher trainings trainings, either 75, 200 or 500, you will be eligible to register with any yoga alliance.

  • The Advanced Immersion will give you the foundations to continue on to our Teacher Trainings, 75, 200 and 500 hour. 

  • The course will give you clarity and confidence in developing your personal practice 

  • Teachers will gain new insights and perspectives (the how’s and why’s) which you can implement immediately into your teaching. 

  • Join a community of like-minded students committed to their own personal growth and wanting to make an impact in their world. 

  • Each student will get a certificate of attendance for 10 hours that can be used towards Continuing Ed Units in Iceland. 

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Our next weekend will be held

21-22 October


Price 39.500

Early bird 29.500

The early bird lasts until 7th of October


The course runs from 09:00 – 18:00 both days

with a 2 hour lunch break

Fill out the form and sign up today!

    Gerast Áskrifandi að fréttabréfinu okkar