

The Art of 1:1 Yoga Teaching


The Art of 1:1 Yoga Teaching

A Modular curriculum designed to be self-pacing with Talya Freeman and Gudmundur Pálmarsson.

Next Training begins February 2025

This fully comprehensive training is of the highest standard, underpinned by yogic principles of practice, protocol and theory that integrates in-person or live online learning. Our practical and experiential training is for sincere yoga students, professional yoga teachers or therapists who want to extend their specialist knowledge and skills further.


Is This Course Right For Me?

Do you want to unlock your potential as a highly skilled yoga teacher with the ability to work closely with individuals in a 1:1 setting or to enrich your group class skills?  Our course offers exceptional, in-depth training to equip you with the knowledge and insight for a profession in the yogic arts aimed at empowering the individual.

Course Overview

You will join a multifaceted training rooted in the authentic Yogic teachings that places great emphasis on your personal development and aimed at deepening your knowledge and ability to guide students through the transformative process of one to one. As a working professional you will have the opportunity to refine and expand your teaching to a specialist level.

Through this modular self-pacing programme with live in-person or online classes you will be immersed in an in-depth study of asana, vinyasa krama, the art and science of sequencing, pranayama, Human energy system, meditation, voice, teaching methodology, psychology, yoga philosophy and Ayurveda.

The Training Path

The first part of your training is all about exploration and understanding fundamental methodology, vinyasa krama and the art and science of sequencing. The gateway is through Svatantra 100 hour practitioner training. Here there will be a strong emphasis on your own personal development through practice and exploration as the roots and foundations to long term teaching skills. The work is rigorous and challenging and asks you to approach the material with a willingness to look and let go of ingrained habits, try things in ways you’ve never tried them before and explore your body, breath and mind in a new paradigm. This module is about individual process rather than your teaching presentation or abilities. You will learn, share and explore within a safe space where all are supported by Senior teachers Talya and Gummi and students.

The second part of the training are modular programmes, where you will dive into the yoga practice and theory for individual teaching and for enhancement in groups. You will have ongoing development as a yoga student practitioner where your personal practice will continue to be refined and customised through individualised meetings.

In the third part of your training we integrate all previous material and start to build skills for application of the teaching to individuals. You will have personal supervised teaching with a mentor in real case studies where you will gain firsthand knowledge of how to apply all that you have understood and embodied.

We are currently undergoing a process of reviewing our curriculum, so there may be some changes to areas of study outlined below.

The Modules, Supervised Teaching and 1:1 Development

Svatantra Professional Practitioner Training.

100 hour Professional Practitioner Training.

Starts in February 2025

Five months of weekend intensives, weekly classes and online reviews with Gummi and Talya. Join in person!

Cost 250.500 kr. / Early Bird 205.000 kr.

See details here

AOY Teaching Foundation 1

50 Hours (45 contact + 5 hours homestudy)

3 weekends in-person with 3 online overviews in-between

Starts September 2025

  • Analysis of Foundational Asana

  • Workshops on chosen Asana

  • Theory of Asana and Pranayama

  • Secondary Pranayama and its components

  • Sequencing of core Foundational Asana

  • Psychology of Yoga

Requirement: Svatantra

Cost: 135.000 kr.

AOY Teaching Foundation 2

50 Hours (45 contact + 5 hours homestudy)

3 weekends with 3 overviews in-between

Starts February 2026

  • Analysis of Foundational Asana

  • Workshop on chosen Foundational and Intermediate Asana

  • Analysis of chosen Intermediate Asana

  • Theory of Asana and Pranayama

  • Primary Pranayama and its components

  • Sequencing of core Foundational Asana and Intermediate Asana

  • Psychology of Yoga

Requirement: Svatantra and AOY Teaching Foundation 1

Cost: 135.000 kr.

Human Energy System 1

15 Hours

1 weekend and 1 online review

This module is open to all students.

Dates will be according to whether you are taking this module in-person or online.

Human Energy System 2

15 Hours

1 weekend and 1 online review

Further information will appear soon

Pre-requisite : Human Energy System 1

1:1 Teaching Methodology

85 Hours (75 contact + 10 hours homestudy)

5 weekends with 5 overviews in-between

  • Application and teaching process of Asana, Pranayama and Meditative Practices

  • Initial meeting and Case taking

  • How to craft a plan for a student

  • Observational skills

  • How to determine short-term vs. long-term goals with a Student

  • Practice planning for short-term and long-term goals

  • The psychology and parametres of teaching 1:1

  • Students will practice teaching together during in-person weekends

Cost: 230.000 kr.

Supervised Teaching

In this module you will build your confidence and learn the foundational principles for guiding an individual through the one to one process.

Each student practitioner will be required to complete fifteen 1:1 supervised teaching sessions with either Talya or Gummi.

Each session will be around 30 minutes and fees will apply.

1:1 Personal Development
Your personal development and refinement of specialised skills and knowledge within your own 1:1 sessions are an important aspect of this programme.

Cultivating a personal practice and learning to navigate challenges is essential for teacher trainees to effectively teach and share their knowledge with clarity and experiential understanding. You will be given your own personalised practice to work with and develop in collaboration with a Senior teacher.

Each student must have a minimum of  ten 1:1 sessions with either Talya and Gummi during the programme. Ongoing mentoring will be available on completion of the training.

(Please note that the three 1:1 sessions in Svatantra are not included)

Each session is approximately one hour and fees apply.

Talya að kenna listin að jóga


Please contact us directly to register your interest before applying for the teacher training by writing to us at or phone us on 6918565. From here we will arrange an informal meeting and assessment.


Tuition and payment:

Modules are paid for independently with a deposit of 25% to secure your place. The final payment must be paid a month before each module begins. A payment plan may be available upon request.

The initial deposit is non-refundable and no refunds are given after the module begins. The fees must be paid in full and any private sessions paid for before a graduation certificate will be issued. In case of unexpected life events there is a possibility of transferring payments in certain circumstances.

Early-bird pricing is offered on the first Module Svatantra. See module for next upcoming dates and more details.


The Modular Programs Include:

All teaching weekends, online reviews and assessments.

AOY Student Manuals and extra workbook materials.

(Any extra suggested reading books are excluded in the cost of the program and will need to be bought separately.)


Supervised Teaching and 1:1 Development

All Supervised  sessions are approximately 30 minutes.

All 1:1 Development lessons are one hour.

A 20% reduction is offered if 3 or more lessons are bought together.

Students are required to attend and complete all Modules listed above, complete 20 hours of homework, ten 1:1 private sessions,  fifteen 1:1 supervised teaching sessions and hand in all practice planning assignments in order to receive AOY certification.

Students are also expected to maintain a daily practice to support their learning, development and experience. 

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